Saturday 2 June 2012

Windows 8 Release Preview

Windows 8 is an upcoming version of Microsoft Windows, a series of operating systems produced by Microsoft for use on personal computers, including home and business desktops, laptops, Microsoft Tablet PCs, and Home theater PCs. According to unofficial sources, the release date for Windows 8 has been set for October 2012, three years after the release of its predecessor, Windows 7. Windows 8's server counterpart, Windows Server 2012, is in development concurrently with Windows 8. The most recent official pre-release version of Windows 8 is the Release Preview, which was released on May 31, 2012.
Unlike Windows 7, which was intended to be a more focused, incremental upgrade to the Windows line, Windows 8 has been "reimagined from the chipset to the user experience" to connect more with the user. It features the Metro interface that is designed for touch screen input similar to that in Windows Phone and on the Xbox 360. A version of Windows 8, called Windows RT, also adds support for the ARM processor architecture in addition to the previously supported microprocessors from Intel and AMD.

if you want to download you can click here:

Note before you download: Windows 8 Release Preview is prerelease software that may be substantially modified before it’s commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here. Some product features and functionality may require additional hardware or software.

Important: If you decide to go back to your previous operating system, you'll need to reinstall it from the recovery or installation media that came with your PC, which is typically DVD media. If you don’t have recovery media, you might be able to create it from a recovery partition on your PC using software provided by your PC manufacturer. Check the support section of your PC manufacturer’s website for more information. After you install Windows 8, you won’t be able to use the recovery partition on your PC to go back to your previous version of Windows

Thursday 8 March 2012

CentOS 5.8 Officially Released.!

Hey guys
 finally here is another release of linux operating system now this time it is CentOS .

About CentOS 5.8

CentOS is a community enterprise operating system, based on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux sources and 

available for the following architectures: Intel 32-bit, Intel IA-64 (Itanium 64-bit), 64-bit (AMD's AMD64 


Intel's Intel 64). Additionally, CentOS is a 100% free Linux distribution fully compatible with Red Hat 

Enterprise Linux.

CentOS 5.8 is available as an installable DVD ISO image (see download link at the end of the article) for 

both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures and it is based on the upstream release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 


Released within a week from the Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.8, the CentOS 5.8 distribution contains lots 

of updated packages, bugfixes and new functionality.

As usual with a new CentOS release, this one also includes packages from all Red Hat Enterprise Linux 

variants, including Client, Server, Clustering and Virtualization. The upstream software repositories have 

been combined into a single one for this release, helping end users to work easy with it.

Existing CentOS 5.x users can upgrade to the new CentOS 5.8 release via YUM, running the "yum update

command in root terminal window.

"Upgrading from CentOS-5.7 ( or CentOS-5.0/5.1/5.2/5.3/5.4/5.5/5.6): If you are already running 

CentOS-5.7 or any older CentOS-5 version then all you need to do is update your machine via yum 

by running : 'yum update'"

"Running 'yum list updates' before doing the update is recommended, so you can get a list of 

packages that are going to be updated." - said Johnny Hughes in the official release announcement.

Moreovoer, the CentOS 5.8 operating system was completely rebuilt using a brand-new build system and 

library checks, in order to confirm Red Hat Enterprise Linux binary compatibility.

Hey friends you can directly download it from here:

Download CentOS 5.8

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Android Users: Here's Some Advice to Protect Your Phones

Android smartphone users can take some common sense precautions to protect their personal data from being stolen -- important advice considering an app developer purports to know how to take the information in under 60 seconds.
Loredana Botezatu of BitDefender, a cybersecurity software maker, recommends:
  • Never lose sight of your smartphone in public.
  • Keep a close eye on what a person is doing with your phone if you lend it to someone.
  • Install mobile anti-malware software on your phone.
  • Don't store job-related information on your phone unless it's encrypted.
The advice comes as a gray hat app developer has released into the wild five tools purportedly for "study purposes" that can clean out all the data on an Android smartphone in less than a minute.
Based on information from virus researchers at BitDefender, here's how the tools work.
When any of the apps is loaded on a victim's phone, they can be activated remotely by a cyber thief. Once activated, it sends a five digit pass code to the phone's intruder and secretly uploads the device's contacts, messages, recent calls, and browser history into the developer's space in the Android Cloud. After copying the data from the phone, the apps uninstall themselves so a target won't know they were even on their mobile.
To obtain data sucked from a phone, a Net crook need only travel to the developer's cloud location, enter the five-digit code generated by their copy of the app and for $5 they can download all the data nicked by the sinister software.
In an ironic twist, the developer has posted a notice at their site informing users of the apps that if they don't pay for the data they've stolen within 24 hours of the theft, all the information will be erased from the site "out of respect and for security reasons." "[N]eedless to say...this statement is by no means to be trusted," Botezatu cautions.
This latest attack on Android phones is just one of many this year. In fact, the phones are seen as a ripe target for mobile miscreants. According to a report released by a cybersecurity software maker in August, attacks on Android by malware writers jumped 76 percent over the previous three months, making it the most assaulted mobile operating system on the planet.

Some of that malware has been devilishly clever. For example, a bad app called Soundminer listens to conversations on an Android phone and is able to recognize when a credit card is spoken. After identifying such a number, it snips it from the conversation it has been recording and sends it to a Web baddie.
While cyber sorties like these may give some smartphone buyers pause before picking up an Android mobile, some commentators believe the benefits of an open system like Android outweigh those of systems with less openness and less vulnerability to attack. "Threats are everywhere," JR Raphael wrote in PC World. "The answer isn't locking down the world; it's taking basic precautions."

Google Expands Android App Size from 50MB to 4GB

Google is giving Android app developers a lot more room to work with, expanding the maximum Android app size from 50MB to 4GB.
Although Android apps were free to exceed the size limit before, developers had to host the data on their own. For users, that meant downloading additional files from within the app after installing the core app from the Android Market. The extra downloads were a nuisance and would eat into the 15-minute refund window for Android apps.
Under the new system, Android .APK files will still be limited to 50MB, but Google will host up to two expansion files, each up to 2GB. Most newer devices will download these expansions automatically, and the refund window will not begin until all files are in place.
Some older devices will still have to use a separate downloader, but Google now offers its own developer tool for this purpose. This tool can download files in the background, resume large files safely, pause and resume based on Wi-Fi availability and notify users of estimated completion time. If you've ever put up with extra file downloads in games like Gun Bros. and Asphalt 6, the prospect of a more user-friendly should come as a relief.
In both cases, users will be able to see the total size of the app from within the Android Market, solving another issue with app developers' own download tools.
Although most apps don't have troubling coming in under 50MB, size limits are a big concern for game developers, who need to pack their apps with image and video assets. As phones and tablets move toward higher-resolution displays, the need for larger apps will only grow.

Google Augmented Reality Glasses Expected by Year's End

Google is working on pair of augmented reality glasses running on Android, set for release later this year, according to the New York Times, which quoted unnamed company employees. The glasses are meant to work like a heads-up-display that analyzes and displays information for the wearer, priced somewhere between $250 and $600.

The Google glasses are reportedly based on Android and will also have a 3G or 4G data connection along with several sensors, including GPS and motion. Earlier reports on the technology from 9 To 5 Google also indicate there will be a few buttons on the arms of the glasses, but otherwise, they could be mistaken with regular thick-rimmed eyewear, similar to Oakley’s Thump sunglasses with a built-in MP3 player.It appears there will be only one display in the glasses (for one eye), which won’t be transparent. The navigation system sounds interesting: you would be able to scroll and clock through menus by tilting your head -- but this could be quite weird when you are in a public space, navigating through the glasses menus, tilting your head back and forth.Some other reported technology in the glasses would be Google Latitude to share location and the Goggles service to search images and identify what the wearer is looking at, while Maps would show you things nearby. Unlike smartphones, the results from these searches would be overlaid on top of the real-time video feed from the glasses camera (augmented reality), but it’s still unclear whether the glasses would be an independent gadget, or if they would be tied to a smartphone for data connectivity, which wouldn’t require a separate data plan for your smart glasses.

Monday 5 March 2012

Windows 7 all version update key

Windows 7 Home Premium:

Windows 7 Professional:


2) 6RQ9V-6GCG4-8WV2H-966GF-DQ4DQ

3) 32KD2-K9CTF-M3DJT-4J3WC-733WD

Windows 7 Ultimate:


Get Access Into Registration-Required Sites Without Need To Register

Hey guys
you must have access the problem of registrations on some of the sites due to which you have to first registered on the site then you have to proceed further on that site.
I have a simple method to get access to protected content without need to endure the annoyance of signing up for an account. Every time relatives and friends send me links to registration-required Web sites, I’ll visit BugMeNot to bypass most of these annoyance. BugMeNot is a free Web site that stored registered user account logins and passwords so you don’t have to provide your personal info.
Once you at BugMeNot front page, just type in the URL of the website that you’d like access. BugMeNot then will return a list of user names and passwords along with their accuracy percentage.
For Firefox users, BugMeNot provide the extension that automates these process. Once you’ve installed the extension, you can easily access the website you like by right click on the username or email address text box.

Sunday 4 March 2012

Windows 7 to Mac OS Transformation

For Windows 7:
For applying Mac OS X Theme through Visual Styler and True Transparency on Windows 7, you will be needed:


    WindowBlinds 7 is a third party freeware for applying Mac OS X theme and other interesting themes on XP.  MSStyler Theme is not a perfect match of Mac Leopard, many of the visual features are missing, for e.g., the close, minimize and restore buttons are given on right hand side of title bar, instead of left hand side; menus and taskbar are not transparent; etc.  WindowBlinds gives you almost a 100% result in changing the looks of windows to Mac OS X Leopard.  Besides this, you can also add transparency effects to your windows and change the colors of the windows (only in full version).  And most important, you don’t have to play with your Windows XP/7’s original files.

    Or for more information you can visit the site:

    Here are some of the screenshots of the Transformation


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    Saturday 4 February 2012

    Fedora 16 Releases!

    The Fedora 16 Linux distribution, which was released about a month after Dennis Ritchie
     died, was dedicated to his memory. FreeBSD 9.0, released January 12, 2012 was also dedicated in his memory.Dennis Ritchie was died on October 12, 2011, at the age of 70 at his home in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey, where he lived alone.
    After the death of Dennis Ritchie finally Fedora16 was released,this linux was totally dedicated to the Dennis Ritchie.It involve following features as given below:

    • Enhanced cloud support including Aeolus Conductor, Condor Cloud, HekaFS, OpenStack and pacemaker-cloud
    • KDE Plasma workspaces 4.7
    • GNOME 3.2
    • A number of core system improvements including GRUB 2 and the removal of HAL.
    • An updated libvirtd, guest inspection, virtual lock manager and a pvops based kernel for Xen all improve virtualization support.

      Processor and memory requirements for x86 Architectures:

      • Minimum RAM for text-mode: 768 MB
      • Minimum RAM for graphical: 768 MB
      • Recommended RAM for graphical: 1152 MB

    Processor and memory requirements for x86_64 architectures:

    • Minimum RAM for text-mode: 768 MB
    • Minimum RAM for graphical: 768 MB
    • Recommended RAM for graphical: 1152 MB

      Download Option:

      You can download fedora16 from here:

    Sunday 29 January 2012

    Linux Mint 12 KDE RC released!

    Blue Systems is a German company sponsoring Free and Open Source projects such as Netrunner and KDE-projects like kcm-gtk-config. As part of the partnership, Linux Mint will share its knowledge and expertise with Netrunner and both distributions will work together on improving their respective KDE editions. Although Netrunner and Linux Mint KDE offer a different


    Installation of Linux Mint is generally performed with the Live CD. The Linux Mint OS can be run directly from the CD (albeit with a significant performance loss), allowing a user to "test-drive" the OS for hardware compatibility and driver support. The CD also contains the Ubiquity installer, which can guide the user through the permanent installation process.

    The main edition of Linux Mint is available in 32-bit and 64-bit. Installation CD images can be downloaded, or installation CDs purchased from 3rd party vendors. Linux Mint can be booted and run from a USB Flash drive, with the option of saving settings to the flash drive. This allows a portable installation that can be run on any PC capable of booting from a USB drive. The USB creator program is available to install Linux Mint on a USB drive.
    Microsoft Windows migration tool, Migration Assistant, can be used to import bookmarks, desktop background (wallpaper), and various settings from an existing Windows installation into a new Linux Mint installation.
    The Windows installer "Mint4Win", is included on the Live CD and allows Linux Mint to be installed from within Microsoft Windows. The operating system can then be removed similar to any other Windows software using the Windows Control Panel. This method requires no partitioning of the hard drive. It is only useful for Windows users; it is not meant for permanent installations because it incurs a slight performance loss.

    About DebEX-Mint 12 Xmas with KDE 4.7.3 and kernel 3.1.4

    DebEX-Mint 12 Xmas Live DVD is a remaster of Linux Mint 12 - codenamed "Lisa" released on 26 November 2011. The original system includes the Desktop Environments Gnome 3.2, Gnome Classic (Gnome 2.32) and Mate (a fork of the venerable GNOME 2 Desktop Environment). In DebEX-Mint 12 Xmas Edition, I have installed KDE 4.7.3 (latest stable version), as an alternative, so that everyone on the spot (during live operation) can compare the different Desktop Environments. I have replaced the original kernel 3.0.0-12-generic (the same kernel as in Ubuntu 11.10) with "my" kernel 3.1.4-exton-xmas-custom. Kernel 3.1.4 is the latest available stable kernel, which can be downloaded from The system language is English.

    Why has the kernel been replaced?
    Latest Ubuntu (11:10) and Linux Mint 12 original uses kernel 3.0.0-12-generic. There has been added a lot of different kinds of hardware support etc. in the latest stable kernel 3.1.4. So if you have acquired new hardware, which is not supported in Ubuntu 11.10 and/or Linux systems based on Ubuntu 11.10 it might be worth testing DebEX-Mint 12 Xmas. There is, among other things, support for brand new USB devices, like printers and cameras, etc. Odd support: Wii (which is not supported in Ubuntu's latest kernel 3.0.0-12-generic). 

    Program content etc
    Among many other programs LibreOffice, Thunderbird, Firefox, Wicd, Brasero, VLC, Gimp and win32 codecs. In addition, Java and all necessary additions in order to install programs from source. All programs have been updated to the latest available stable version as of 7 December 2011. See a complete list of all installed programs HERE.

    The ISO file (debex-mint-12-special-kde-gnome-1460mb-111207.iso) can be downloaded from the Swedish Linux Society's server.

    DebEX-Mint 12 Xmas can also be downloaded from - Fast, secure and free downloads from the largest Open Source applications and software directory.

    md5sum for DebEX-Mint 12 Xmas ISO which is of 1460 MB. 


    [CS1.6] TAB Hack v3.0

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    How to Send E-mail from Facebook

    I have been using Facebook Messages to send email to few of my Facebook addict friends though they check their email accounts regularly but I know I’ll be getting my email reply soon when I send email from Facebook to directly into their Facebook Messaging inbox.

    What is Facebook Message?
    I don’t think I need to describe as we all use Facebook Messages to check – who have had messages us, each friend’s chats and text as well. Everything stores in Facebook Messages. You can check full conversation history including everything you’ve ever discussed with each friend as a single conversation. And to improve this, Facebook have added Email – Read, Write & Send Email. There’s no need to switch between Facebook and email accounts for your daily communication needs.

    Send Email From Facebook Using Facebook Messages

    To make it happen you need to get Facebook email address first, like – If you still have not got, get it here.
    Step 1) Once you get the Facebook email address, click on “Messages” which is next to Facebook logo and click on “Send a New Message”.

    Step 2) One “New Message” window will pop-up on your screen right after you click on send a new message. Type email address into the To: box and content in Message: box.

      Step 3) On clicking “Send” button Facebook will email your message to the respective email address. And like other email accounts you can att ach files using “Attach a File” button.

    Apple iPhone is top dog -- and Samsung's Google problem

    In today`s World ,.Once again Apple sold 37 million of the things in Q4 2011.In past years apple Has gain his own position due to its own innovations to which people can not even think of.
    dashing Samsung from its briefly-held position as world's number one smartphone vendor. Samsung has played a important role in this world of technology but the Samsung wont able to compare with apple.Samsung, meanwhile, is watching its Android advantage become its Achilles' Heel.

    Fedora 12 Officially Released

    In today`s generation linux is playing important part in the world.With the latest open source software and major improvement in the field of graphics,networking,virtualization and more.Fedora is one of the most excting releases so can download here here.
    The full release announcement has details on the major features, and the release notes contain comprehensive information on changes in this new release. Known issues are documented on the common bugs page.