Sunday 29 January 2012

How to Send E-mail from Facebook

I have been using Facebook Messages to send email to few of my Facebook addict friends though they check their email accounts regularly but I know I’ll be getting my email reply soon when I send email from Facebook to directly into their Facebook Messaging inbox.

What is Facebook Message?
I don’t think I need to describe as we all use Facebook Messages to check – who have had messages us, each friend’s chats and text as well. Everything stores in Facebook Messages. You can check full conversation history including everything you’ve ever discussed with each friend as a single conversation. And to improve this, Facebook have added Email – Read, Write & Send Email. There’s no need to switch between Facebook and email accounts for your daily communication needs.

Send Email From Facebook Using Facebook Messages

To make it happen you need to get Facebook email address first, like – If you still have not got, get it here.
Step 1) Once you get the Facebook email address, click on “Messages” which is next to Facebook logo and click on “Send a New Message”.

Step 2) One “New Message” window will pop-up on your screen right after you click on send a new message. Type email address into the To: box and content in Message: box.

  Step 3) On clicking “Send” button Facebook will email your message to the respective email address. And like other email accounts you can att ach files using “Attach a File” button.

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